
Mitutoyo osallistuu erilaisiin messuihin ja näyttelyihin ympäri Eurooppaa vuoden mittaan. Saat lisätietoja jokaisesta tapahtumasta ja siitä, missä meitä voi tavata seuraamalla alla olevia linkkejä.

November 12-14, 2024
Elmia Suncontractor

The leading arena for knowledge, innovation, and the manufacturing industry of the future in Jönköping, Sweden.

November 19-21, 2024

The industrial meeting in the center east of France.

Tech Industry 2024

Tech Industry is the biggest mechanical engineering, metalworking, automation, electronics, and new tech fair in the Baltics, bringing together more than 250 companies from at least 18 countries every year. It presents the latest technologies in metalworking, metal manufacturing, mechanical engineering, construction, automation, electronics, electrical engineering, automotive, road and bridge construction, shipbuilding, railway and aircraft construction, agriculture, water and heating supply, and other related industries, all in one place.